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24-seitige PDF inklusive:

  • Ostermenü 1: Vorspeise, Hauptgericht, Dessert (+ Einkaufsliste)
  • Ostermenü 2: Vorspeise, Hauptgericht, Dessert (+ Einkaufsliste)
  • Osterbrunch: 5 süße Rezepte, 3 deftige Rezepte, 1 Kuchenrezept (+ Einkaufsliste)

Coming soon: Vegane Ostermenüs

6,99€ Standardpreis
  • I'm a digital product detail. I'm a great place to add more information about your product such as format, duration, and, when applicable, the genre and the episode name. This is also a great space to give your customers a short content brief. Buyers like to know what they’re getting before they purchase, so give them as much information as possible. Make it enticing - but without any spoilers!

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